Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust
Identifying Buildings at Risk • Achieving their Rescue
Advice & Help for Building Custodians
As a consequence of our current project, and our reputation as a locally recognised and trusted heritage organisation, we anticipate an increase in the demand to provide initial support and guidance to historic building owners and custodians in relation to both identifying and facilitating the appropriate course of action and care of the historic buildings they have acquired or assumed responsibility for.
Therefore, we are developing an Academy that will support the work of our internal team in providing people with the initial support and help they require.
It is our intention that the DHBT Training & Skills Academy will eventually become a catalyst for the development of a knowledge repository and educational resource.
Advice and Support
Please get in touch via the contact form below if you require initial support and guidance in relation to both identifying and facilitating the appropriate course of action and care of your historic building. You can also search the Crafts Register and explore the guidance notes below.
Please share as much information as you can to help us best understand the kind of support required.
If you are just requesting a survey (visit and some general guidance) of their historic building then, as below, you still be asked to become a Friend of the Trust.
What you need to know
The initial free* advice will consist of a short visit (no longer than 2 hours), where the main purpose will be facilitation and to signpost you to the next steps you need to take.
* Free to Friends of DHBT/Wingfield - it is requested that non-Friends join following the initial visit.
Next Steps
The visit will be followed up in writing including, where appropriate, the names of those with whom you can then request quotes from and engage with directly. Full terms and conditions will be sent via email in response to the query and a printed copy will also be taken as part of the visit to be signed before or at the start of the visit.
Guidance Notes