Kieran Lee will be telling the fascinating story of Bennerley Viaduct; a wrought iron wonder, which was entirely fabricated in Derby. The story includes the reasons for building the viaduct, the ingenuity of its engineering, the working life of the viaduct and the Zeppelin bombings. Future plans will also be explained.
The viaduct became redundant as a railway structure in 1968, and since that time, the viaduct became abandoned, uncared for and marooned….but, the “Iron Giant” survived. For several decades, the community have been in the forefront trying to protect the structure from demolition and the campaign to save and restore the structure continues.
Bennerley Viaduct is being transformed from an neglected abandoned structure into an inspirational Community asset. The story is a tribute to the makers of the viaduct and a tribute to the community who love it and are driving forwards an inspirational project which has received international acclaim.
The talk will start at 2pm, so please make sure you have joined the meeting prior to that (it will be open to join from 1:45pm).
This is a free talk that is available to all who have an internet connection via Zoom. Please register via Eventbrite to be sent your e-ticket with joinning details.
If you enjoy the talk and would like to donate, then all proceeds will be equally split between the two charities: Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust and The Friends of Bennerley Viaduct.
If you have any questions about the event please contact Lucy: lucy@derbyshirehistoricbuildingstrust.org.uk

For more information about the Friends of Bennerley Viaduct visit: https://www.bennerleyviaduct.org.uk